JDesignerPro by BulletProof Chart Definition

The Chart Definition screen allows you to define the parameters for your finished chart.


  1. Select the desired chart type.
  2. If necessary, you may add a special SQL Where clause to control all of the data returned in the report.
  3. In Maximum result rows, choose the maximum number of rows to be returned in the result list. The default is 1000. This value controls not only the number of rows returned for a search but also the number of rows plotted on a chart. The chart preview will also use this value. We suggest keeping it low initially until you see how your data looks when charted.
  1. Enter the title of the chart.
  2. Choose the title color.
  3. Enter the title of the x axis.
  4. Choose the x axis title color.
  5. Choose the x axis labels color.
  6. Choose the y axis labels color.
  7. Choose the chart frame color.
  1. Select whether you want maximum and minimum chart values to be automatically calculated.
  2. For line charts select whether you want the scale to adjust to the lowest plotted point.
  3. Enter the minimum and maximum y axis values if you have chosen not to use automatic scaling.
  4. Select the desired setting for the grid. Area charts also allow you to specify foreground and background for the grid.
  5. Choose the desired color for the grid.
Data grouping:
  1. Choose the column by which you wish to group your data. This would typically be a date but you can use any available column. For a date you may choose to summarize by day, month or year. The SQL to perform the grouping will be generated. You may change it as required.
Multiple series:
  1. Choose the column for creating multiple chart points or bars. This is used to perform grouping by some code such as state or product id. You may adjust the SQL as necessary.
Chart detail:
  1. Choose the column(s) that contain the numeric data to be plotted. If you have selected a multpile series or chosen a pie chart only the first selected column will be plotted. By default all of the columns are selected. You should deselect the columns that are not required.
  2. If you have chosen a column in the Data grouping panel you must specify an aggregate function, otherwise you may plot the actual data points.
  3. Enter the legend text for this column. This is not applicable to multiple series or pie charts.
  4. Enter the element color for this column. This is not applicable to multiple series or pie charts.
  5. Enter the element border color for this column. This is not applicable to multiple series or pie charts.
  6. If necessary, you may modify the SQL clause for this column to do such things as derived values.
Press the Reset button if you want to undo all your selections and changes. Once you have setup all your result parameters, press Accept to preview the chart.
